James as a teenager.

Created by Michael 2 years ago

I remember James and how he was always willing, even as a teenager, to engage and hold a mature conversation. There was one particular incident, though, that stands out in my memory.

It was customary in the Eaton household for James to spend his Saturday afternoons cleaning the car inside and out for his dad whilst he was at work.
I remember one occasion when James, fearing his dad might not have been too appreciative of his work, wanted my opinion. Unfortunately, as James had driven the car back into the garage his foot had slipped off the clutch pedal and the car had hit the wall at the end of the garage. As I remember it, the damage to the car was minimal. Sadly, the same couldn't be said for the garage. The brick wall had bellied out with large cracks right across it. We assume, that as James was seen cleaning the car again a few weeks later, painful lessons have been learnt, and after his dad had recovered from the garage repair bill, he had been ultimately forgiven.

Much love from Mike and Lynne Townend